Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jaron's Finance

This is Mary King, Jaron's finance :) Jaron asked me a awhile ago if he could marry me and I explained that I was married to his Daddy and that he would have to find his another wife. Then last week he asked me if he could marry Ahlana, his cousin. I then explained that he couldn't marry his cousin but that he could marry one of his friends and I listed, Mary her sister Cindy, Olivia and her sister Katie. Later that day I was talking to Jen King, Mary's mom, when Jaron asked if he could talk to her, you all know how much he likes to talk on the phone. So he was talking to Jen and asked if he could talk to Mary. He then proceeded to ask Mary if she wanted to mary him when they turned 21 (that's how old I told him he had to be). He said that when they came over to go swimming, they could get married. Jen later told me that she was on the phone when he asked, but he seems to think that they are getting married. Don't you just love kids and the way they think.


Angie said...

Yeah Brooke! Good to see you've joined the blogging world! Isn't it so much fun?!?

Carla said...

How funny, James is always telling me "Mary's really pretty, I love her." Glad to see that you guys have a blog!

Hunt Family said...

Wow, you already have more people blogging on your blog then I do on my. Inform your friends that they are now my friends by default, so they have to comment on my bog too okay.....LOL
I love all your pictures, it really looks like you guys get out a lot and play. My poor kids are lucky if they get out of the house more then 3 times a week. You will notice that a lot of my blog post have pictures taken at home. What can I say, when Joe is not around I don't like the odds of 4 against 1. Keep blogging!!!

Hunt Family said...

And by people blogging on your blog or course I meant commenting, what a dork!!